WorldWide Logistics
Transportation/ServicesTrucking/CompaniesTrucking/Motor Freight
About Us
A wise man once said “remember an innovative vision is usually inconsistent with prevailing logic and beliefs (otherwise it is probably not that innovative) and it may be inconsistent with the current paradigms. For example the scratch plow could not transform ancient human hunters into agricultural societies until humans cultivated oxen to pull the plow.”
When we started WorldWide Logistics in 1999, prevailing logic in the market place among the many third-party logistics companies, was to regard the carrier as a necessary evil or means to the end and putting the focus on technology creating systems designed to be all things to all people.
We had a different vision…….
Our vision was to build a logistics organization that…
Attracts and retains the best and the brightest.
Create a work environment that fosters innovation, team work and encourages people to think big.
Teach people to be hypothesis-driven, proven by statistics (systemic data) and use that concept to solve real shipper problems.
Design and create a best-in-class logistics technology that is truly exception based.
Build a carrier friendly system that would attract and secure consistent and loyal capacity.
After 16 years, and numerous trials and tribulations, we have achieved our vision of a tremendous and sustainable organization, operated by the best and the brightest minds, driven by continuous improvement, enabled by technology, and supported by many loyal customer and carrier partners.
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