Mid-Iowa Electric, Inc.
Contractors/ElectricalContractors/CommercialContractors/GeneralContractors/HandymanContractors/LightingVeteran Owned
7:00a - 4:00p
Driving Directions:
Booneville Exit Off of I-80 head South. Turn Right on the paved road between the lockbox and Hi-Ho Motel - follow the paved road through the gate - veer right up the hill
About Us
Mid-Iowa Electric is a full service electrical contractor, servicing the state of Iowa.
With over 20 years of electrical experience, Sam Marcsisak established Mid-Iowa Electric in 2005, primarily as a residential and commercial contractor. MIE has grown into a full service electrical contractor, offering a full line of services from residential to commercial electrical installations, designs, and service. Most of our work, however, centers on our ability to offer our customers high quality of workmanship and value based solutions to construction challenges. Our past projects have included construction, rennovation work, interior build out and design/build electrical construction.