genYP Social - Family Night at the Iowa Wolves
Date and Time
Saturday Mar 25, 2023
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM CDT
Check-In and Socializing begins at 7pm!
7:30 p.m. Tip Off
$10 per person
Kids 2 and Under are Free
Contact Information
Gina Wright
Send Email
genYP Social - Family Night at the Io...
Bring the family and come to an Iowa Wolves game on Saturday, March 25th. We have a special section reserved for genYP, and after the game you can meet the players and get autographs. Tickets are just $10 each!!!!
Bring your friends, bring your family and come have a great time at the Iowa Wolves! Order your tickets using this link: https://fevo.me/3HpIbGx