Bishop Elite Martial Arts Academy Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting!
Date and Time
Friday Jun 30, 2023
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Friday, June 30, 2023
4:00PM - 5:00PM
Ribbon Cutting will be at 4:15PM
Bishop's Elite Martial Arts Academy
2706 Beaver Ave.
Des Moines, IA 50310
Free but we ask that you register by June 20th
Please click HERE to RSVP (only takes a few seconds)
If this link does not work, please email: bishopselitemartialarts@gmail.com
Contact Information
Ryan Bishop
Send Email

Please join the Urbandale Chamber in celebrating Bishop Elite Martial Arts Academy Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting Event!
Master Bishop's sole purpose is to build a well-rounded community in the Dojang (school) that will create positive ripple effects into the community they serve every day. With 25 years of experience training in Taekwondo, Master Ryan Bishop, 5th Degree Black Belt, is devoted to sharing what he has learned from 14 years of teaching into molding students into becoming the best versions of themselves inside and outside. Master Bishop continues to be a student through opportunities to continue keeping his training and teaching tools sharp. The BEMA program offers a variety of options to select from training in classes to earning your black belt, being a part of a demonstration team, being on a competition team where competitors get to travel to local and national events. As a student, you can participate in community outreach programs, learn team building activities, train to become a leadership team member, and participate in seminars held by experienced practitioners from across the U.S.
Come and enjoy catering from Dam Pub, a local business in Beaverdale, a tour of the school, watch a black belt class in action, and a chance to win a FREE 8 Week Course with a Uniform and Belt included!